Lobi stars reiterates stands on dismissed staff, to pay outstanding salaries

Nigerian Concord Newspaper


This Notice Seeks to inform former staff that their Appointment which was earlier dissolved and Announced by the VC/CEO in April. 2022 still stands.

In View of the Above, March outstanding Salary and a month Salary in Lieu will be paid to the affected Staff.

The affected staff are to appear with their appointments letters and provide account details for payment to the Club Secretary ( Sarwuan Terhemen ) by 12:00 noon on Tuesday 13 September, 2022 at the VIP stand of Aper Aku stadium Makurdi.

This is also to notify all category of staff, including members of the Technical crew that they have been relieved of their appointments in line with paragraph two of their appointments letters with the club, They are advised to reapply if they wish. This Notice however, does not apply to the Technical adviser, Muhammad Baba Ganaru

NOTE: This announcement does not affect players.

Sign: Saawuan Terhemen .
Club Secretary for Management.

Uja Emmanuel
Media Director

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