Benue APC crisis deepens as Agada rejects suspension of Nigev- Vandeikya APC chairman by Alia’s men

Nigerian Concord Newspaper

The crisis rocking the Benue state chapter of the All Progressive Congress may be far from being resolved as the camp loyal to the governor of the state, Reverend Father Hyacinth Alia suspended the chairman of the party of Nigev Ward in Vandeikya local government, Simeon Yongu.

Yongu is a political son of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Senator George Akume. He is also a notable member of the Akume political family.

Meanwhile, the state chairman of the party, Comrade Austin Agada while speaking with Nigerian Concord Newspaper this evening rejected the suspension of the Ward chairman.

Austin Agada said that the people that suspended the Nigev Ward chairman have no constitutional power to do so, stressing that the action is null and void.

“What offence will they say he has committed to warrant the suspension” he queried.

Earlier, a press statement issued by one Iortyer Eric who is the media Aide to Governor Alia’s Special Adviser on Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs confirmed the suspension of Simeon Yongu as the chairman of the party in Nigev Council Ward of Vandeikya.

The statement reads: “Members of All Progressives Congress, Nigev Council Ward, Vandeikya Local Government Area have passed vote of no confidence on the APC Chairman of Vandeikya Local Government, Mr Simeon Yongu who hailed from their council ward.

Iortyer confirmed that the decision which was jointly signed by thirty members of the party in the Ward has it that, Mr Yongu has never summoned for stakeholders meeting to brief them about the position of the party.

He also accused the suspended chairman of creating factions in the party which according to them, the factions are triggering divisiveness as well as, disunity among the party members in the Local Government Area.

The resolution also stated that, Mr Yongu developed an unjust attitude of forcefully criticizing the good and transparent dividends of democracy His Rev. Fr. Dr Hyacinth Alia is providing for the good people of Benue State.

“The Ward Exco members observed with dismayed that, his baseless criticisms to the Rev transparent Gentleman are throwing people into doubt as to whether the suspended Chairman truly belonged to APC

“They further expressed disappointment that, Mr Yongu recently led twenty two Local(22) Local Government APC chairmen to protest against the Governor with the target to destroyed & tarnished his image and that of the Benue people. They said that all the illegal act he was exhibiting was done without consulting the Executive members, Elders and other relevant stakeholders of APC in Vandeikya Local Government Area.

“The stakeholders further stated that all efforts made by the executive members of the party both at the Ward and local government level to caution Mr Yongu proved abortive.

“The members who signed the document complained bitterly that, the suspended Party Chairman was not providing the needed quality leadership neither, he was working for the interest of the All Progressives Congress and therefore, unanimously passed a vote of no confidence on him as well as called for his immediate removal from office in the interest of the party in the Local Government.

“The group however pledged their total and unalloyed loyalty and support to the Governor Hyacinth Alia APC led administration” the statement reads in parts.

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