Now that Alia had failed, will he resign? By Abraham Waroh

Nigerian Concord Newspaper

Awambe A Tiv,a popular folk singer in the build-up to the 2023 elections composed a song in Tiv language that became so popular more than the singer himself.

The Tiv people were so much in love with the song. What was the title of the song? ‘Alia hii or ga’. Meaning, Alia has not looked for anyone’s trouble.

According to Awambe A Tiv, Alia should be voted or allowed to govern as he has not looked for anyone’s trouble or offended anyone.
The song was the people’s favorite.

It became a ready-made answer to all questions about Alia’s ability to govern and questionable character.

At last,the people spoke and Alia, a suspended priest found himself in Government House.

During campaigns, Alia promised to ressetle the internally displaced persons, IDPs, in the state back to their ancestral homes in his first 100 days in office.

He promised to clear arrears of salary, pensions and gratuity as well as bring “heaven on earth” in Benue State.

Five months into office, Alia has not only failed to return the IDPs back to their ancestral homes or clear arrears of salaries, pensions and gratuity despite the huge increase in allocation as a result of fuel subsidy removal, he has taken us to the worst level in the history of our dear state.

Insecurity is on highest level since the creation of Benue, there is unprecedented poverty in the land and the government seems to have no direction,five months into office.

Also, state government accounts are still frozen making it difficult for many ministries,departments and agencies of the government to function effectively as they depend on monies in those accounts for their basic needs.

It’s no longer debatable that Alia simply came to look for our trouble by deceiving our people with fake and unrealistic promises.

He has completely failed on the basic essence of government, which is security of lives and property.

Now that Alia has failed us with the worst start by any governor in office in Benue State, his silence and inaction on the daily loss of lives, one is tempted to ask, will Alia now resign?

Remember, he was voted because he did not offend us, but now that he has offended us, should he still continue or take the path of honour by resigning?

Abraham Waroh, a Social Media Influencer writes from Makurdi

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