Alia’s CPS accused of sponsoring media attacks against SGF Akume

…..Mkor plotting to attack me, says CPS

Nigerian Concord Newspaper

Tersoo Kula, the Chief Press Secretary to Governor Hyacinth Alia of Benue state has been accused of being behind all the sponsored media attacks, group’s press releases and conferences against the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Senator George Akume.

He was also accused of sponsoring negative media reports against the Benue state government in order to get funds from Governor Alia under the guise of using same to settle journalists to publish his rejoinders.

The accusation was made in a press statement signed this evening by Mkor Aondona, a former lecturer of the Benue State University who was dismissed over allegation of rape few years ago.

Mkor Aondona is the Special Adviser to Governor Alia on Research, Documentation and strategy. He was recently sworn-in in that capacity after the governor dropped him from the Media and Publicity portfolio due to the public assault he gave Mr. Tersoo Kula over some money released to the duo to settle some APC social media handlers that were at the Government House in Makurdi for an event last month.

According to Mkor in the statement, Kula has been the one giving information to one Aondoakaa Asambe and some pressure groups like ZAPA and co in order to blackmail and attack the SGF on the Social Media since Alia appointed him as his official spokesperson.

Mkor said that Alia’s CPS is only causing bad blood between the SGF and the Governor so as to get patronage from the duo and also for his selfish gains.

The special adviser also accused Tersoo Kula of using members of the opposition party to write against Governor Alia while he (Kula) will still go behind to request for funds from the governor under the guise that he wants to use the funds to settle reporters that will counter the reports from the opposition party’s media handlers.

The statement from Mkor Aondona is reproduced below verbatim:

I have just read your post about your association and connection with one Aondoakaa Asambe who maliciously mischievously and blackmailingly came on the social media to perpetuate the act of criminal and injurious falsehood against the Secretary to the Government of the Federation and our amiable Governor. From the response in your post,it is evidently clear that if you have the opportunity again and again you will always conspire with the likes of Aondoakaa Asambe,Dan Boor and Fanen Mondo to go ahead with their nefarious media activities against the duo of the Governor and the SGF.

You will recall that your name has consistently appeared and mentioned in the series of the ill-fated and illicit press conferences organized the ZAPA and Benue Patriotic Forum and now you have been publicly seen on the social media hobnobbing with Aondoakaa Asambe who is out carry out the worst mischief of the persons and offices of the SGF and the Executive Governor.

But let me advice you accordingly,because one I am your elder,two,I am more experienced than you,three,I have traveled far and wide, four,I am more learned than you,five,even in Government I have the privilege of superior placement as an adviser. Hence,I Can Never envy you because God in His infinite Glory has blessed me beyond the shores of human imaginations. I have this to particularly clear your doubts that I envy you. I DON’T!! I say what I believe is the truth and that is how God has created me.

Drawing from the above,my general advice to you are as follows:

1.Just know that this world is a small place,you do not know where you may meet or need the SGF. However,we are watching you keenly !!

2. You should not be seen or imagined to be in the picture or fraternity with members of opposition who are in constant conspiracy to cause disaffection and disunity between our leaders(SGF and Governor) who are like Siamese in the wheels of progress and development as a people in Benue State.

3. You can do better on your job but not by necessarily instigating,directly or indirectly any member of the opposition to write negative things against the SGF or our government while you go behind to request for financial resources to start writing rejoinders and counter rejoinders in newspapers,TV and radio stations,which mostly are belated,watery and detrimental to the integrity of our government.

4. Always come out clear to write rejoinders against the opposition in the same if not more of the magnitude and gravity with which they rise against the government. Your kidgloves approach delayed approach or outright carrot approach in writing and responding to write up against the our government by opposition has been discouraging.

5. Similarly, stop the idea of compelling people working with you to be writing publications and be giving you to append your name and post does not show craftsmanship. You need to set the tone of writing and communication in all critically emerging and varying circumstances.

6. Whether you agree with me or not,take notice that our dear state will be better of when SGF and our amiable governor are together.

7. Finally, I really do not care whatever opinion you hold against me because it does not and Can Never be the opinion of God. But what I know is that when anyone gets beyond his limit,the police and the courts will be brought in for appropriate lessons to be taught!!

Meanwhile, the Chief Press Secretary to the governor, Tersoo Kula has raised an alarm that his principal’s special Adviser on Research, Mkor Aondona has marked him for attacks.

Kula in his statement posted on his verified Facebook account urged members of the public to hold Mkor Aondona responsible for any evil that befalls him.

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