Alia approves construction of major roads connecting Jechira axis

Nigerian Concord Newspaper

In a significant move to enhance connectivity and drive economic development, the Executive Governor of Benue State Rev Fr Dr Hyacinth Iormem Alia has approved the immediate construction of two major roads in Benue State connecting Jechira Axis to other parts of the state. The announcement was made during a Thanksgiving Mass and Reception held by the ItyƓ i Jechira in honor of their Son, Gov Alia.

According to the governor, the first road will connect VANDEIKYA to KORINA, through to TSE-AGBERAGBA, passing through GUNGUL and onwards to WAJIR. The second road will stretch from GE to IKYOBO to AGBEEDE and to IBER linking to the above-mentioned road.

“These new roads are set to play a crucial role in improving transportation and accessibility for residents in the Jechira axis, Benue, and Nigerian citizens.

“By enhancing connectivity, the roads are expected to boost economic development and improve the quality of life for communities along the routes.

“With Governor Alia’s approval, the construction of these major roads is poised to commence immediately. The project is a testament to the government’s commitment to infrastructure development and its dedication to improving the lives of its citizens” a media note issued to the effct reads.

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